BTC 2024 - Calgary
Attending this event?

Teachers new to the profession are invited to attend the 2024 Beginning Teachers’ Conference, October 4-5, Best Western Premier Calgary Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre, Calgary. There is no registration fee. Space is limited; apply early.

School principals, school jurisdictions and local associations work together to provide substitute teacher coverage as per the collective agreement to facilitate the attendance of beginning teachers at the conference. Substitute teacher coverage must be organized and approved in advance. Please ensure you meet with your school principal to discuss release time and obtain the appropriate absence code to attend this conference. 

Teachers in charter, federal and private schools must be associate members of the Association to be eligible to attend the Beginning Teachers Conference.
Inclusive Education clear filter
Friday, October 4

10:15am MDT

Recognizing and Addressing Anxiety in Schools (K–12)
Friday October 4, 2024 10:15am - 11:30am MDT
Teachers are increasingly challenged to support individuals with all levels of anxiety and related behaviours. This workshop will provide information about the most common anxiety disorders, examine how these disorders impact people, and provide participants with strategies to help support those affected cope and manage.

Erinn Esau

Association Instructor, Alberta Teachers' Association
243209 Garden Road NE
Friday October 4, 2024 10:15am - 11:30am MDT

10:15am MDT

Story Time: Using Children's Literature to Teach K-12 Outcomes (K-12)
Friday October 4, 2024 10:15am - 11:30am MDT
The focus of this session/workshop will be to help beginning teachers utilize children's literature to teach a range of K-12 outcomes in a variety of disciplines. There will be a short presentation on the importance of literacy across all disciplines and examples of how practicing teachers are incorporating it into everything from high school mathematics to elementary school physical education. Following the short presentation, participants will choose a children’s book relevant to their teaching assignments, explicitly link the book’s content to the broader philosophical ideas, generate essential questions, and design a short lesson plan/teacher resource that they can you use in their classrooms. At the end of the session there will be a gallery walk of all the lesson plans and an opportunity to share and reflect on the workshop.
Friday October 4, 2024 10:15am - 11:30am MDT
Garden Court 1

12:30pm MDT

Brain Architecture 101—Play the Brain Game! (K–9)
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT
This session is designed to immerse teachers in the fundamentals of brain development - through play! The Brain Architecture Game, designed by scientists and childhood champions, is an immersive and eye-opening activity that really highlights the importance of brain development. Before, during and after play, presenters will introduce important concepts brought up by the game, such as positive vs. toxic stress, how neurons wire & fire, and how teachers can leverage this knowledge to support all students in their classrooms.
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT
Garden Court 2

12:30pm MDT

Les technigues d'impactes en classe (K-9)
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT
Créer des liens solides avec les élèves est la clé pour prévenir certains comportements et aider efficacement des élèves présentants certains défis. Les techniques d'impacts en classe aident les enseignants et les différents intervenants à créer ces liens. Venez explorer comment, avec des objets, des images et des métaphores, on peut faire une différence dans le quotidien de nos élèves.
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT

12:30pm MDT

Care and Connect—Social and Emotional Learning (K–12)
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT
Now, more than ever, there is a need to look at practices and systems that nurture the social and emotional health of all members of the school community. This workshop was developed to enhance the social-emotional skills of adults within a school environment so that they can more effectively model and teach SEL to their students. This interactive workshop can be facilitated over a series of sessions in which participants will learn and apply practical, powerful strategies to enhance social and emotional competence within themselves and their students.
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT

12:30pm MDT

Foundations for Success—Strategies for Building Classroom Community in a Primary Classroom (K–3)
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT
Come ready to learn, and create! In this presentation, we will explore the vital foundations that contribute to a respectful classroom community, focusing on the implementation of effective routines, smooth transitions, clear expectations, and consistent practices. You will learn how these elements work together to create an environment where students feel safe, respected, and engaged. Fostering positive relationships between students is vital. This presentation will provide example mentor texts, writing activities, Google slide examples, projects and transition songs that contribute to a respectful and engaging classroom community in a primary classroom. Participants will also create an art activity with plasticine that can be used in a cross curricular project with your students.
Friday October 4, 2024 12:30pm - 1:45pm MDT
Plaza 4

2:00pm MDT

Enseigner en milieu minoritaire (K–12)
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Comment valoriser la langue et la culture francophone dans nos milieux ? Venez découvrir comment et pourquoi il est important de développer la culture identitaire francophone chez nos élèves. L'identité francophone, le bilinguisme additif, la légitimité linguistique seront aussi abordés. Cet atelier vous aidera à avoir des pratiques gagnantes pour la construction identitaire.
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

Take a LEAP—Unlearning Racial Bias (K–12)
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Join this session to explore the complex dynamics between unconscious beliefs, bias, and the impact these factors have on educational environments. Focused on building a deeper understanding of how these factors can perpetuate stereotypes and hinder student growth, this session includes discussions and practical exercises that will challenge assumptions that perpetuate labels and stereotypes. By embracing a ‘LEAP’ approach—actively listening, engaging, asking questions, and providing support we will work together to enhance our own understanding of diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism.
avatar for Adedeji Bowoade

Adedeji Bowoade

Association Instructor, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Adedeji studied at the University of Ibadan in Nigeria between 2002-2007, where he earned a Bachelor's in Education (Economics). He moved to London, England in 2007 where he studied Business Management at the University of Wales, and earned the Master of Science in Business Management... Read More →
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

Trauma-Informed Practice—Safe, Supportive and Self-Regulated Classrooms (K–12)
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Participants in this interactive workshop will receive information and tools to help provide safe, supportive and self-regulated environments for students who have experienced trauma. Teachers will be provided with background information on trauma and its effects on the child and adolescent brain, how to create trauma-informed environments and how to help build resiliency and self-regulation skills in students.
avatar for Sinead Dullaghan

Sinead Dullaghan

Association Instructor, Alberta Teachers' Association
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

They’re Hot, Then They’re Cold! Self-Regulation & Executive Functions in the Classroom (K–9)
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
The 21st century classroom is complex; 1 in 5 Canadians is living with a mental health condition. This stark reality is well outlined in the 2024 ATA report detailing aggression in K–12 schools. This session is designed to provide some background on two concepts that may be both the cause, and the solution of this struggle: self-regulation and executive functions. Teachers will leave the session understanding the science behind these concepts, as well as some strategies and takeaways to help support a variety of learners in their classrooms. We will cover the neuroscience of “lid flipping,” attention, inhibition and more. Resources and practical tips will be provided with an emphasis on giving beginning teachers actionable steps when faced with dysregulated learners.
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Garden Court 2

2:00pm MDT

ᑕᐯᐧᐃᐧᐣ tapwewin Dismantling Indigenous Racism (K–12)
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
This introductory workshop will encourage educators to critically reflect on concepts such as systemic racism and assimilation. Historical and contemporary examples of anti-Indigenous racism will be explored, and participants will be challenged to consider their own role in dismantling anti-Indigenous racism. Educators will leave with a foundational understanding of anti-racism with a focus on Indigenous Peoples, and will also be equipped with suggested resources for further learning. Note that portions of this workshop may be difficult for some participants, particularly for Indigenous Peoples and/or those who have experienced racism.
avatar for Brian St Germain

Brian St Germain

Retired teacher
My name is Brian St. Germain. I recently retired from Red Deer Public School District after forty years of teaching. The last ten years spent with the First Nations, Metis and Inuit Program in Learning Services. I am Cree First Nations and Cree Metis.
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

Building Thinking Classrooms in LA and Social Studies (K–9)
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics is a series of practices that get students spending more time critically thinking, and engaged in learning, and these practices are fantastic in any subject! Come to this Hands-on workshop to see how you can get your students diving deeper in their learning in Language Arts and Social Studies.
Friday October 4, 2024 2:00pm - 3:15pm MDT
Garden Court 1
Saturday, October 5

9:00am MDT

Resilience and Regulation: Supporting Students with Challenging Behaviour (K–12)
Saturday October 5, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am MDT
Join us for an interactive and empowering workshop that explores strategies for supporting students through challenging behaviours. This session focuses on approaches that cultivate student resilience, as well as strategies to support our own resilience as we respond to challenging moments of student behaviour. Through activities, discussion, and reflection, we will explore a variety of techniques that support students with challenging behaviour and care for our own wellbeing, at once.
avatar for Ivonne Bayona

Ivonne Bayona

Science Learning Leader, ATA Associate Instructor
Ivonne Bayona, inspirer, woman, curious, nature lover. She has an unwavering commitment to creating transformative learning experiences to foster curious life-long learners. Born with an innate sense of wonder, Ivonne's path led her from the intricate world of genetics and environmental... Read More →
Saturday October 5, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am MDT

9:00am MDT

Full Circle—Understanding Social Implications of Indigenous Realities (K–12)
Saturday October 5, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am MDT
This workshop will examine core causes of intergenerational trauma, challenge common myths and misconceptions, as well as explore activities to foster effective relationships with First Nations, Métis and Inuit students, families and community. Participants will explore assimilation strategies that have contributed to many current realities of Indigenous students, families and community. You will gain an increased understanding of physical, mental, social and spiritual impacts, and strength-based initiatives to contribute to the advancement of the reconciliation process.
Saturday October 5, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am MDT

9:00am MDT

How to Intentionally Support Mental Health through PE (K–12)
Saturday October 5, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am MDT
Using the four domains of physical literacy (physical, cognitive, affective, and emotional), we will play and dissect each activity to go beyond simply playing. Come join in activities that will explore ways to help implement the new Physical Education and Wellness (PEW) program of studies and/or support the existing one. This session is suitable for all grade levels as activities will be laid out to accommodate all ages and levels of ability.
Saturday October 5, 2024 9:00am - 10:15am MDT
Garden Court 2

10:30am MDT

Pass the Mic—Let's Talk About Racism (K–12)
Saturday October 5, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Children notice and think about race. Being silent about issues surrounding race reinforces racism by letting children draw their own conclusions without a safe space to ask questions. Teachers can play a powerful role in helping children develop positive attitudes about race and embrace diversity, promoting a more just future for all people. Pass the Mic: Let’s Talk About Racism is designed to aid teachers in having important conversations about racism, how to be anti-racist, microaggressions, bias and privilege.
Saturday October 5, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT

10:30am MDT

Teaching on a Hutterite Colony in Alberta (K–12)
Saturday October 5, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT
Are you looking for a unique and rewarding teaching career, right here in Alberta? Have you ever wanted to teach in a one-room school. Come and learn about the opportunity to teach in one of Alberta's growing number of Hutterite Colonies. Learn about the Hutterites, who they are, about their culture, and some history. How to organize and operate a multi-multi-grade classroom. Get some resources to help navigate getting through the curriculum.
Saturday October 5, 2024 10:30am - 11:45am MDT

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